
Hey! It's me, Okko. You found me.

I do things. But I should not be doing them at the moment.

I'm trying to write my thesis on rapid-acting antidepressants.

So please, do not drag me to your shenanigans.

Like making branding and motion graphics for festivals.

Or ask me to come up with a method for brain imaging using radioactive sugar for the worlds biggest drug research company, which is now featured on the device manufacturers website and in educational books for physicists.

Or publishing a series of articles as spicy as Sichuan cuisine in a top newspaper of the country, evoking the anger of the indoctrinated, which I had the pleasure to face in a six-month-long court battle for the truth and freedom of speech.

Or doing MSPaint.exe live performance collab to your experimental shower and washing machine
drone music composition.

Or publishing dank Bob Ross sea monsters
in books about psychedelics and art.

Or making these rad rolling papers.

Or providing graphics to journal articles,
issue covers, or study books used in Finnish high schools.

Or holding a lecture(?) on the main stage of a music festival and later in University lecture series.


for the sake of all things nice,

DO NOT contact me through any of the following platforms and encourage to do nice things: